Press Release
A New International Maoist Unity to
Strengthen the World Peoples in Rebellion!
Forward to a New International
have been many ideas in the world justifying and promoting rebellion against
injustice. There will be many more. The inhuman conditions in which the
majority live demands this. But there has never been any system of thought
which has addressed the root causes of this state of affairs as radically and
scientifically as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism (MLM). In the present world, there is
no practice of this revolutionary type like that of the Maoists (communists).
Since the 1980s, for more than two decades, the Revolutionary Internationalist
Movement (RIM) carried out the extremely important task of taking this message,
in words and deeds, throughout the globe. But, in the recent past, this
internationalist voice and intervention of Maoists became defunct. Grievously
enough, this has taken place right in a period of crisis of the imperialist
system and an upsurge of people's rebellions and struggles.
This May
Day heralds a major advance in reversing this situation. The Special Meeting of
Parties and Organisations of the RIM was successfully concluded. In the midst
of the rebellious assaults of the masses on the inhuman conditions in which
they are forced to live, a bold initiative has been taken to build anew an
international Maoist unity as an organised force. This holds out great promise
for the struggling people of the world.
Special Meeting (SM) has correctly identified the revisionism of the Bob Avakian’s post-MLM 'new synthesis' variety in
the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA and the Prachanda-Bhattarai variety in the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) as the immediate ideological-political
factors that led to the current crisis and collapse of the RIM. Going beyond this, the Special Meeting advanced some
preliminary views on summing up the RIM experience, noting the positive and
negative lessons of its organisational structures and methods of functioning.
The task of convening an international conference in order to once again
establish a Maoist international organisation has been taken up. This should
have as broad a representation of Maoist parties and organisations as possible.
As part of this process, the Special Meeting decided to organise an
international seminar on the various international initiatives taken by Maoist
forces during the past few decades.
In its
evaluation of the world situation, the Special Meeting has correctly noted, “a potential new wave of the world proletarian revolution develops and emerges, with the people's wars led by Maoist parties as its reference points and strategic anchor. The realisation of this potential ultimately depends on how successful the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties are in fulfilling their revolutionary tasks
at the national and international levels. The pooling of their understanding and experience and the development of their capacity to take a united revolutionary message to the rebellious masses all over the world have decisive importance.” Such
revolutionary internationalist unity is already emerging in a new way, bringing together Maoist
parties who are in the RIM and those outside it. It is seen in the joint May
Day Statements and other joint initiatives. The Special Meeting contributes to
this in a definitive way.
May 1,
2012 CPI (Marxist-Leninist) NAXALBARI